Informasi Program Studi

Friday, january 19 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time) we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to join the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of the university of customs & finance (ukraine) in collaboration with stekom university.* ????? day 4 : friday, january 19 2024 presentation by : olena parshyna position : doctor of sciences (economics), prof, academician of academy of economic sciences, prof of cybersecurity & information technology dept topic : research of systems by using the correlation and regression…

Webinar nasionalnarasumber:1. dr. haryono,, al., ca., cpa., areancpa., ciqar., ciqer,. crdip., capf., capu., cfra., cma. (dosen feb untan pontianak kalbar) 2. deannes isynuwardhana, se., m.m., ph.d., qrmp. (dosen feb telkom bandung)3. dr. putu kepramareni, s.e., m.m. (dosen feb unmas denpasar  bali)4. dr. m. sodik, se., (dosen feb widyagama malang)5. dr. yusar sagara,, ak., ca., cma., cpma., cgma., acma., cacp. (dosen feb uin syarif hidayatullah jakarta)6. tantik sumarlin, s.kom, (dosen universitas stekom semarang)mc/moderator…

We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to join the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of the university of customs & finance (ukraine) in collaboration with stekom university.* ????? day 2 : monday, january 15 2024 presentation by : marharyta parshyna position : ph.d. in economic sciences, assoc prof of international economic relations & regional studies dept topic : cross-cultural business communication host : anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) registration :…

Friday, january 12 2024 (2.00-4.00 pm indonesia time) we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to join the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of the university of customs & finance (ukraine) in collaboration with stekom university.* ????? day 1 : friday, january 12 2024 presentation by : hanna shcholokova position : assoc prof at dept of physical & mathematical education & informatics topic : communication in a globalized world : a strong cultural influence host : anggi novita sari (international affairs…

Webinar nasionalnarasumber:1. prof. dr. efri sandi, s.pd., m.t. (dosen fti unj jakarta) 2. m. tirta mulia, st., mt. (dosen fti unpas bandung)3. dr. fachrul kurniawan, st.,, ipm. (dosen fst uin maulana malik ibrahim malang)4. ir. fajar purnama, s.t., m.eng., ph.d. (dosen fti univ. udayana bali)5. ir. drs. haris sriwindono, m.kom., ph.d. (dekan fst usd yogyakarta)6. agung brastama putra, s.kom., m.kom. (dosen fik upn veteran jatim)7. candra supriadi,, m.kom. (dosen universitas stekom semarang)mc :  : daniel rudjiono, s.kom.,…
Webinar nasionalnarasumber:1. dr. dra. nur suci., mm., ca. (dosen feb uhw perbanas surabaya)2. prof luk luk fuadah, se., mba., ak., ca. (dosen feb unsri palembang)3. sutaryo, s.e.,, ak.,ph.d. (dosen feb uns surakarta)4. dr. kurniawan ali fachrudin, s.e.,, ak., ca. (dosen feb uad yogyakarta)5. dr. dahlifah, se.,, csrs., csra. (dosen stie jakarta)6. khalida utami., se., (dosen feb univ. pancasila jakarta) 7. dr. muhammad ikbal, se., msa. csra. cias. (dosen feb unmul kalimantan)8. andri zainal, ph.d., ak., ca., cma., a-cpa.…

International workshop bahasa mandarin (beginner 1) yang di selenggarakan oleh universitas sains dan teknologi komputer (universitas stekom) bekerja sama dengan fuzhou polytechnic china. dipandu oleh dosen native speaker dari fuzhou polytechnic china. workshop ini diselenggarakan dalam 10 pertemuan + 1 ujian, setiap hari sabtu pukul 15.00 sd 17.00 wib mulai tanggal 23 desember 2023 registrasi : (bagi peserta yang sudah punya akun atau pernah daftar workshop sebelumnya, bisa langsung login) fasilitas : sertifikat dari…

”entrepreneurship di era society 5.0” kamis, 21 desember 2023, 13.00-16.00 wib webinar nasional narasumber: 1. dr. etriya, s.p., m.m. (dosen fem ipb bogor) 2. rezi muhamad taufik permana, s.e., m.a.b. (dosen feb unisba bandung) 3. prof. dr. abdul azis bagis, m.s. (dosen feb unram ntb) 4. djaelani susanto, s.kom., m.m. (dosen feb mercu buana yogyakarta) 5. dr. nurul aisyah (dosen feb trilogi jakarta) 6. dr. deddy marciano, s.e., m.m., csa., cbc. (dosen fbe ubaya surabaya) 7. dr. dewi hanggraeni, s.e., m.b.a. (dekan feb univ. pertamina jakarta)…

Webinar nasionalnarasumber:1. m. zaky mubarak lubis, s.e., m.m. (dosen febi uin ib padang) 2. dr. h. eja armaz hardi, lc., m.a. (dosen febi uin jambi)3. arifin djakasaputra, s.e., s.kom., (dosen feb untar jakarta)4. prof. dr. dra. sri harini, (dekan feb unida bogor)5. ach. zuhri, s.e., sy., m.e. (dosen feb uniba madura)6. heni susilowati, s.e., m.m. (ketua stie stekom kartasura)mc :  karla ratna nurianingsih, s.e. (manajer stie stekom)moderator : jaelani, s.e., m.m. (dosen stie stekom)daftar :…

We invite you to join the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of the university of customs and finance (ukraine) in collaboration with stekom university. ????? day 5 : monday, december 18, 2023 presentation by : olena parshyna position : doctor of sciences (economics), prof, academician of academy of economic sciences, prof of cybersecurity & information technology dept topic : methodology of scientific researchers. elements of the scientific method host : anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) registration…

We extend our warmest welcome to you and look forward to your participation in this enriching webinar. your presence will certainly be important to the success of this event. international webinar opening speech 1. dr. joseph teguh santoso (rector stekom university) indonesia speakers 1. ali muhammedli (senior lecturer at dept of information technologies) wcu, azerbaijan 2. olena parshyna (phd in economic sciences, assoc prof of international economic relations & regional studies dept) umcf, ukraine 3. edy jogatama purhita, m.ds. (head of communication…

We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to join the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of the university of customs and finance (ukraine) in collaboration with stekom university. ????? day 3 : wednesday, december 13 2023 presentation by : roman oleksiienko position : phd in economic sciences, assoc prof, assoc prof dept of management foreign economic activity topic : strategic management : vision & mission of the organization host : anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) registration :…

Webinar nasionalnarasumber:1. dr.meiliyah ariani, s.e., m .ak. (dosen feb ak moestopo jakarta) 2. yetri martika sari, m.acc., ak., ca. (dosen uin raden intan lampung)3. ratna anggraini aripratiwi, s.e., m.s.a., ak., ca. (dosen feb ak uinsa surabaya)4. dr. azolla degita azis, sst., m.ak., m.b.a., cgrm. (dosen feb ak ibn khaldun bogor)5. made dudy satyawan, se.,, ak., ca., cpa., cta., bkp. (dosen feb unesa surabaya)6. sri wahyuning, s.kom., (dosen universitas stekom semarang)mc :  paulina kinanti e p (mahasiswi universitas stekom)moderator…

”blockchain technology and cryptocurrency” monday, december 11, 2023 (2.00 - 4.00 pm indonesia time) we extend our warmest welcome to you and look forward to your participation in this enriching webinar. your presence will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this event. international webinar opening speech 1. dr. joseph teguh santoso (rector stekom university) indonesia speakers 1. kateryna tokarieva (lecturer, phd of law, head department of law) istu, ukraine 2. olena parshyna (doctor of sciences (economics), prof, academician of academy…

We are pleased to invite you to join the international visiting lecture program organized by the faculty of the university of customs and finance (ukraine) in collaboration with stekom university. ????? day 2 : friday, december 08 2023 presentation by : hanna shcholokova position : phd in political science, assoc prof, assoc prof of international economic relations & regional studies dept, topic : national peculiarities of business communication host : anggi novita sari (international affairs stekom) registration :…

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